Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sebastian is mimicking his brother at the sidelines. Posted by Hello

Simon at a soccer game playing for the Almaty International School Snow Leopards. It was a cold misty morning. Posted by Hello

Early October in the snow. Sebastian is in an undisclosed location. Posted by Hello

The view from the observatory. Posted by Hello

A picture for me to look back on in the years to come. Posted by Hello

This view of Big Almaty Lake is picturesque. Posted by Hello

Our group resting at the waterfall. Posted by Hello

Simon perched ahigh. Posted by Hello

We are standing in front of a small waterfall that took an hour for us to reach. Sebastian enjoyed the climb and always looks forward to our adventures outdoors. Posted by Hello


We have taken a few strolls along the countryside. Our Instructional Director, Mr. Reimes, enjoys the outdoors. He and his family have lead a few trips to very scenic areas outside of Almaty. Kazakhstan is in many ways a geological wonder. Its old capital, Almaty is nestled against the Tien Shen Mountains. The mountains are glacier laden and physically imposing. With the plains stretching far out from Almaty, the mountains hold the city in cup-like fashion.

A view of our school. It is a large building for 230 pupils. Posted by Hello

The family next to our new school with the Tien Shen mountains behind us. Posted by Hello