Sunday, June 04, 2006

From left to right, a friend of Monika and Peter's, Peter, Bostjan, and Monika. It was nice to them in Slovenia, though briefly. Posted by Picasa
All the kids at Pavel's II. Posted by Picasa
This man was playing his violin near Preseren Trg. Posted by Picasa
Farcus and Danny. Two good Irish guys I met at Bled. It was Farcus' second time in Slovenia and he brought his friend. Watch it Slovenia! You may have found your soulmate. Ireland is coming. Can you imagine the drinking parties? Posted by Picasa
Simon and Felicity in Piran with their school friends. We are in the church tower. Posted by Picasa
My class. Can you find Simon? Posted by Picasa
Sebastian standing at attention outside of school. Posted by Picasa